Is Your Ultra-Sanitized House Making You Sick?

Now more than ever, people are taking sanitation seriously. Antibacterial wipes and disinfectant cleaners are hard to find in stores, and hand soap and...

13 Ways To Stay Motivated When You’re Working From Home

Many people have a love-hate relationship with working from home. There’s the joy of the flexible schedule, the ready access to snacks, and the...

Why Now is a Great Time to Have More Sex

When this pandemic finally ends, Americans may notice two things — more divorces and more babies. Divorce, because for some, being confined 24/7 with...

What This Pandemic is Doing to the Earth’s Surface

Today, almost eight billion humans inhabit the earth. That’s twice as many living as there were 50 years ago. So, it’s no surprise that...

The #1 Thing You Must Always Do After You Poop (in...

Personal hygiene has come into the spotlight in recent times, with everyone being encouraged to take extra care in the name of preventing viral...

35 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Survival, Immunity and More

For decades, coconut oil was condemned as an unhealthy food to be avoided at all costs, due to its saturated fat content. Thanks to...

11 Immune-Boosting Plants You can Grow in Your Garden

If you’re into natural health and nutrition, then you probably know about the importance of the immune system. You’re familiar with the microbiome, probiotics,...

Here’s How To Keep Your Lungs in Tip-Top Shape…Naturally

It’s no secret that coronavirus can hit the lungs hard, especially in people with underlying conditions like lung problems. Yet, it’s still easy to...

Is Your Pantry Ready For An Emergency?

As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the US, North America, and the world, it’s hard not to worry about coronavirus surfacing in your community....

Does Microwaving Your Food Kill Germs? What You Need to Know

While your microwave is excellent for reheating that day-old cup of coffee, should it be used to kill germs, including flu viruses, dangerous bacteria,...