17 Warning Signs of Early-Onset Dementia You Shouldn’t Ignore

Dementia is a condition that robs people of far more than their health — it steals their mind and their identity. But the brain...

8 Garden Plants To Naturally Lift Your Mood

In today’s high-stress world, it’s hard to remain upbeat all the time. The daily 9 to 5 grind, financial pressures and the occasional family...

This Essential Oil Yoga Mat Cleaner Will Banish The Cold And...

How many times have you been in a yoga class and ignored the instructor when they reminded you to clean your mat? If you’re...

8 Tricks To Get Rid Of Stubborn Love Handles

Sure, love handles sound cute. In reality, they’re really just pronounced areas of fat on a person’s midsection. If you’re sporting love handles, the...

4 Great Reasons To Start Your Own Veggie Patch, Right Now

Maybe it’s just me, but lately I’ve noticed a lot of shows on TV along the lines of “eating well for less.” The shows...

4 Things Your Butt Reveals About Your Health And Lifestyle

Did you know that the size and shape of your butt speaks volumes about your health and lifestyle? Your butt may not be the...

5 Ways To Fix A Slow Metabolism

We’ve all seen people who seem to consume infinite amounts of food, yet they never gain any weight. It’s almost like a superpower. It’s...

6 Natural Remedies To Cleanse Your Congested Colon

The colon is seriously underrated part of the human body. It extracts water, salt, vitamins and nutrients from the food we eat, helps to...

7 Genius Millennial Health Hacks

Millennials are accredited for many modern, innovative concepts and inventions. However, just like any other age group, we suffer from our own set of...

America’s Mood May Be Sour, But Here Are 7 Steps To...

The pursuit of happiness is an ideal deeply ingrained in the American psyche. Yet, national surveys indicate that more and more citizens in this...