Make Peace with Yourself this Year

The New Year brings with it the opportunity to make some much-needed changes in your life. One of the most important resolutions that you...

Tighten Your Butt Fast with These Everyday Activities

If you want a better butt, we have good news: there are things you are likely already doing that can help. Simply do them...

After a Successful Diet, Why is it Hard to Keep the...

So many of us try to diet, then after some successful weight loss, we find ourselves struggling not to gain it back. Why is...

Meditation Literally Rebuilds Your Brain

By now, pretty much all of us know and accept that meditation provides a plethora of benefits, including reduced tension and stress and improved...

Are You Allergic to Hard Work? How to Overcome Your Lazy...

Some days, we all struggle with getting ready and beginning the day. Even those with highly competitive personalities have days when they need a...

12 Super Easy Kitchen Hints for a Slimmer Waist

Losing weight is certainly not easy, but the process to follow is relatively simple. It's all about good habits, not only with food and...

Study Says Overuse of Phone Hurts Your Back

That ache in your neck and pain in your back might be caused by using your phone. It's being referred to by some as...

Yoga Poses for You and Your Kids

Doing yoga together is a great way to connect with your child. It’s fun, it’s free, you can do it at home, and it’s...

Why a Strong Core Matters

When talking about the core muscles, most people focus on the idea of well-developed, chiseled abdominals. In actuality, to strengthen your core, you need...

6 New Exercises to Try in 2015

New exercises and fitness crazes are popping up all the time. If you'd like to change things up to prevent boredom and get in...