Bust Stress With DIY Lavender Bath Salts

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Did you know that most of the benefits we get from essential oils occur when we inhale the aromas and absorb them through the soft tissues in our noses? This stimulates the olfactory system, which is the emotional center of our brains. Inhaling essential oils can help relieve stress, which can otherwise be very detrimental to our whole body in many ways.

Lavender oil

Lavender essential oil is wonderful for treating all sorts of ailments, and new evidence shows that it can even help treat migraines. A study in European Neurology looked at the inhalation of lavender essential oils and concluded that it may be an effective and safe way to relieve migraine pain.

The use of lavender therapy on migraines was also reported in a study published in the  Journal of Herbal Medicine. Results showed that after a three-month period, participants in the group using lavender reported a reduction in the frequency and severity of their migraines. An added bonus? Lavender doesn’t have any harmful side effects.

Epsom salts

Epsom salts are very high in magnesium, which is great because most of us are magnesium deficient and that can cause all sorts of problems. For example, magnesium deficiency can lead to higher rates of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies, stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a number of other issues.

DIY Lavender Bath Salts
DIY Lavender Bath Salts
This super easy recipe is packed with great ingredients that lower stress levels while allowing the body to absorb some much-needed magnesium at the same time.
1 glass jar
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
no cooking
  • 2 cups Epsom salts
  • 20 drops lavender essential oil
  • Dried lavender buds (optional)
  • Dried rose petals (optional)
  • A large glass jar with a lid
Servings: glass jar
  1. Fill your jar with 1 cup of Epsom salts.
  2. Add lavender essential oil, replace the lid and shake up until oil is mixed with salts (there will be a little oil on the sides of the jar).
  3. Add dried herbs (if desired) into the jar, replace the lid and shake again.
  4. Add the other cup of Epsom salt into the jar and shake again.
  5. Once ready, use in a bath by stirring desired amount into the water — try 1/2 cup to start. Allow the salts to dissolve.

You can always add more if you like. Add enough mixture to your bath to get the desired amount of scent, ease stress, relieve a headache and soak up some magnesium. You can also keep the jar by the tub with the lid off so you can enjoy the wonderful smell of lavender throughout your day. Now go draw yourself a bath and enjoy!

— Leilani Hampton

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