Tamara Pearson

Tamara Pearson

Why I Stopped Flushing My Toilet (And So Should You)

We have a saying in my home, “If it's brown, flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow.” Water shortages where I live...

If You Have These 6 Characteristics, You Are A Mentally Strong...

Mental strength is vital to living a useful and fulfilling life, and some would argue that it is the difference between being an ordinary or...

5 Natural Ways To Slow Heart Failure And Strengthen Your Heart

Some six million Americans are currently living with congestive heart failure (CHF). If you’re one of them, here are five natural ways to strengthen your...

9 Things Your Feet Are Trying To Tell You About Your...

Have you noticed any changes to your feet lately? Perhaps they are cold, are experiencing pain, or the coloring in your toenails has changed?...

Women: Do These 6 Things After Sex

After a wonderful sex session with your partner (or indeed, after a fairly terrible one), it can be tempting to roll over and snooze....

7 Things Your Blood Type Can Tell You About Your Health

In Taiwan and South Korea, people will often ask you what your blood type is. Just like star signs in the U.S., it's believed that...

14 Tricks Grocery Stores Use To Con You Into Buying More

When you go to the supermarket, you may get the impression that everything is systematically organized by food type, for your convenience, with some...

5 Scary Reasons To Stop Taking Multivitamins (And What To Take...

In the United States, 52 percent of people report taking at least one dietary supplement and collectively they spend $28 billion a year on...

Moringa: Latest Health Superfood Or Just A Fad?

Moringa plants, originally grown in Southeast Asia, are one of those amazing plants where every bit of them is useful; the leaves, flowers, fruits...

These 8 Mental Health Benefits Of Community Gardening Might Make You...

The vacant lot that we would ultimately turn into a vibrant community garden was overgrown with grass — grass that was taller than we...