Susan Patterson
What Your Spit Says About Your Health
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then spit is the mirror to the body. It reveals much about your overall well-being...
This Ancient Healing Remedy is Something You Can Do at Home
Acupressure therapy is sometimes called pressure acupuncture and has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. This simple, yet effective technique...
How to Plan the Perfect Summer Road Trip
Even though the summer is winding down and stores have already set out the Halloween decorations, there’s still plenty of time to soak up...
Here Is Why Women Need More Sleep Than Men
Let’s face it; most of the world is sleep deprived. Perhaps without even realizing it. Busy schedules and family life mean that you may...
Surprise: This is the Most Contaminated Spot in an Airport You...
Most people are super leery of using public bathrooms, especially those visited by thousands of people daily, like those we find in major airports....
How to Trust Your Own Body: Eating What You Want When...
What happens if you ask you body what it wants to eat for dinner? Seriously, if you just walk through the grocery store and...
Suck on a Lemon and Other Ways to Banish a Summer...
The weather is warm, and your social life is packed. There is no time for a silly summer cold. However, colds happen, and even...
Everything You Need to Know About a Menstrual Cup
As every woman knows, periods are not fun. Unlike those smiling women frolicking around on tampon and pad commercials, most female people wish they...
What the Heck Is Seed Cycling and Could it Rebalance Your...
What if it was possible to stop a hot flash in its tracks, or ease frustration and pain of PMS? The trend of seed...
Here is Just One More Reason to Put Down that Soda
Are you still consuming drinks made with sugar? If so, perhaps a new study published in BMJ might sway you to trade out your...