Susan Patterson

Susan Patterson
Susan is a Certifed Health Coach, Master Gardener and sustainability expert who has authored over twenty top selling books on healthy living, clean eating, gardening and natural wellness. She has taught thousands of people how to shop, cook and eat healthily and live well. When she is not coaching others, writing or speaking, Susan can be found hiking, kayaking and enjoying time in her garden.

How to Banish Nasty Chest Mucous Naturally

There’s nothing enjoyable about being sick and struggling with chest congestion while coughing up phlegm and battling a sore throat and lack of sleep....

Are You Killing Your Digestive Tract With These Foods?

Food is either your friend or your enemy. Especially when it comes to digestive health. Regularly eating unhealthy foods that harm your digestive system...

9 Ways to Live a Truly Plastic Free Life

Living a plastic-free life in this day and age is not impossible, but it’s not easy either. If you have decided to make an...

Do These 6 Things Instead of Making a Resolution This Year

Ah, another year and another list of New Year’s resolutions. A fresh slate, a blank canvas, and a new chapter in your life. How...

How to Take Care of the Strongest Muscles in Your Body

The body is a well-oiled machine, with thousands of separate parts working together to keep you alive and healthy. Over 600 of those parts...

Caution: Never Do This in a Public Restroom

Are you not always spot on with washing your hands after you use a public restroom but somehow religious about putting down that thin...

Here are 7 of the Best Foods to Enjoy in the...

If you aren’t overly hip on eating breakfast, that’s ok; however it is good to know that a well-balanced breakfast can provide just the...

8 Ways to Enjoy an Alternative Christmas This Year

Has the same old holiday routine put you in a funk this year? Are you tired of the same food, the same activities, and...

What You Might Not Know About Fiber Supplements Could Hurt You

Eating a high fiber diet has many advantages, including keeping your gut healthy and happy, boosting heart health, gut health, and improving weight loss...

16 Ways to Use This Miracle Spice From the Bible as...

Nigella sativa is an herb native to Southwestern Asia, the Mediterranean, and North Africa with extraordinary therapeutic value. Evidence of its use dates back...