Liivi Hess
The 9 Best Kitchen Oils For Moisturizing Your Face
I used to spend hours and hours in the aisles of my local pharmacy, reading the labels of all the beauty products. This one...
7 Signs You Have Pounds Of Waste In Your Colon
Under healthy conditions, the human body is highly efficient in removing waste and toxins from the digestive tract. Indigestible or mildly poisonous compounds in...
Smell These 16 Things To Lose Weight
Eat right and exercise — that’s the conventional weight loss wisdom. Unfortunately, this limited view discounts the power of many other mechanisms which we...
19 Drinks As Good As Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss
What if you could drink your way thinner? The beverages you drink each day have a direct influence on your body weight and general...
3 Natural Remedies For Clogged Ears Using Basic Ingredients
As the weather (finally) begins to warm up, the prospects of roasty toasty days spent down at the beach or poolside begin to beckon....
6 Amazing Benefits Of Peeing In Your Yard
As an avid permaculturalist, I’m constantly thinking about new ways to introduce biomass back into my gardens. Harvesting fruit and vegetables, mowing grass with...
Before You Buy Eggs, Avoid These 5 Things
When most people buy eggs, they make their choice based on one key factor: price. Cheap eggs are good, expensive eggs are just sneaky...
How To Use ACV And Egg Yolks For Knee Pain
It’s estimated that 100 millions Americans suffer from some form of chronic knee pain, and that number is on the rise. A study published in...
Take This 7-Day Himalayan Salt Challenge For Better Sleep, Digestion And...
If you’re like most people, chances are you think salt is a bad thing. Dietitians, doctors and health officials across the globe continue to...
3 Scary Reasons To Ditch Aluminum Foil (And What To Use...
You’re probably getting a little tired of people telling you that the things you’ve been eating or using for years are bad for your...