Liivi Hess
7 Best Foods for Your Vagina
Your vagina is a complex and finely tuned environment that has several factors that need to be kept in balance. Your vagina is pretty...
This is What Happens to Your Body When You Eat a...
To many people, hot dogs are as quintessentially American as the stars and stripes or the Statue of Liberty. As a nation, we eat...
9 Reasons You Should Eat a Cup of Celery Every Day
While you may think of celery as the boring part of a veggies-and-dip platter, this humble vegetable has a lot more to offer than...
The Toxic Truth About Air Fresheners
Have you ever wondered what’s in those air fresheners that make your home, office, or bathroom smell like a gingerbread house, tropical paradise, or...
7 Things That Happen to Your Body if You Stop Having...
Regardless of your age, orientation, or relationship status, it’s normal for sexual activity to go in waves. There may be times when you’re raring...
Woke Up Tired Again? Take These Vitamins If You Can’t Sleep
When your spouse, neighbor, or colleague greets you with a cheery “Good Morning!”, do you find yourself questioning whether it really is a ‘good’...
Don’t Fall For These 5 Myths About Viruses and Your Immune...
Your immune system is on the job around the clock to protect you from infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that cause disease and...
10 Ways To Use Coconut Milk In Your Beauty Routine
Sometimes I don’t know where my pantry ends and my beauty cabinet begins. Many of the ingredients play an important role in both cuisine...
10 Often Overlooked Things That Could Be Keeping You Fat
Ask almost anyone what it takes to lose a few pounds, and they’ll inevitably tell you, “Just exercise and eat right!” Then they’ll probably...
Take This 16-Day Lemon Challenge For Great Skin, Weight Loss And...
Growing up in a conventional household, I didn’t have much of a grasp of the use of lemons beyond making lemonade in the summer....