Liivi Hess
Is Your Water Too Acidic? Here Are The Most Damaging Brands
If you think you’re making a healthy choice by buying bottled water, it might be time to think again. That’s because conventional methods of...
6 Reasons To Eat Marijuana Instead Of Smoking (And How To...
The world is finally coming around to the idea that marijuana might not be so bad after all. In fact, marijuana may just be...
Save Your Heart With These 19 Foods
Despite continuing advancements in modern medicine, heart disease is still the leading cause of death in America. An estimated 610,000 Americans die every single...
5 Reasons To Put Essential Oils On The Soles Of Your...
Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants which possess truly impressive healing abilities. While holistic health practitioners have been utilizing the healing properties of...
Top 27 Essential Oils To Diffuse
Long before the essential oil craze took hold of the Western world, alternative health practitioners were using essential oils for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy involves the...
19 Reasons To Drink Kombucha And How To Make Your Own
Kombucha is a fermented beverage which has taken the world completely by storm. If that new cafe down the road doesn’t offer it on...
5 Beauty Fixes Using Raw Honey
Raw honey is one of nature’s great nurturers. And considering the wide array of health benefits it provides, most people only view honey from...
13 Foods That Scrub Our Arteries Clean
As we get older, the collective opinions of the medical community and the mainstream media begin to instill a fear of cardiovascular disease in...
6 Cinnamon Drinks: a Delicious Way to Fight Inflammation
Cinnamon is a warming spice that can be used in both sweet and savory cooking. But cinnamon is more than just a delicious additive...
Coconut Oil vs. Antibacterial Mouthwash…and the Winner Is
Most of us cannot even imagine what life would be like without brushing and flossing our teeth every day. But brushing with a plastic...