The Alternative Daily

The Alternative Daily

Top 3 Blood Pressure Reducing Minerals

High blood pressure is often referred to as a “silent killer.” Unlike many other medical conditions, there are no warning signs or symptoms that...

The Pros and Cons of Eating Canned Food

We all know it is healthy to eat more fruits and vegetables, but does it really matter if we prepare them from fresh produce,...

9 Uses for Baking Soda that May Surprise You

Did you know that you go to battle each day against thousands of environmental pollutants that lurk not only in our air, our water...

6 Things that Lead to Dangerously High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is no joke. When blood pressure, the force of blood against artery walls, goes up, the heart...

9 Surprising Ways to Put Coke to Work in Your Home:...

It seems timely that we begin this article with a couple of facts, things that are proven to be true. First, Coke is the...

5 Reasons You Should Take a Bath

“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.” ― Sylvia Plath Since time immemorial,...

8 Ways to Treat Your Skin Right with Cucumbers

Cucumbers not only offer lots of nutrition for the body, they are known to be extremely beneficial to the skin. Cucumber flesh contains vitamin...

Are Mites Having Sex on Your Face?

If you have pets you might be familiar with ear mites but have you ever heard of humans having eye mites? That’s right, millions...

8 Simple Natural Fixes To Remedy Sore Winter Eyes

Let’s face it, winter is hard on our bodies and especially hard on our skin. Cold temperatures and precipitation can also take a toll...

Skip the Hangover: Enjoy These 7 Tasty Holiday Drink Alternatives

Tying one on with Uncle Joe and Aunt Mildred may not be on your list of "great ways to spend Christmas" this year. Consuming...