The Alternative Daily
Being Grateful is So Good
As millions of Americans gather round tables with family and friends to give thanks, it is a special reminder of just how good it...
Stop This Fungal Infection Down Under In It’s Tracks …Naturally
Commonly known as jock itch or crotch itch, especially among men and athletes, Tinea cruris is a fungal condition that causes itching and burning...
“Right to Try” Law Includes Potentially Harmful Experimental Drugs But Not...
Imagine being on your deathbed, so gravely ill that you have only weeks left to live. You know that there is something out there...
These Words Can Help You Get Off the Diet SeeSaw Once...
Is food your enemy? You may not consciously realize it, but if you see food as your enemy, your body tends to take on...
Research Says: Parasite Poop Can Cause Teeth Grinding
Contrary to popular belief, “first-world” countries are not immune to parasites. In fact, parasitic infections are more common than most people think. You may...
How A Powerful Type of Salt and An Ancient Spice Can...
When we take a prescription drug, we usually take it with the belief that it can benefit our health, or take away the pain...
3 Research-Backed Rockstar Lemon Remedies That Really Work
Not only are they a tremendously cute and bight addition to any fruit bowl but they are also incredibly therapeutic. You would be surprised...
Put Bread and Milk on Your Pubic Region to Remedy This...
Most of us have had to deal with pesky ingrown hairs in our pubic region before. They often hurt and can be highly irritating,...
Groundbreaking Research Reveals Why You Should Start Saving Your Poop Now
Do you flush your poop without a second thought? Chances are, the answer is yes. I have another option for you. Why not consider...
6 Ways to Naturally Banish that Blister on Your Lip
Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are painful blisters on the lip and around the mouth that form when you are exposed to...