The Alternative Daily

The Alternative Daily

Naturally Lower Your Risk of Diabetes with Magnesium-rich Foods

Naturally Lower Your Risk of Diabetes with Magnesium-rich Foods
The mineral magnesium, essential to good health, is a necessary component of more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It's critical in maintaining...

3 Natural Treatments for Chronic Migraines

3 Natural Treatments for Chronic Migraines
If you’ve ever had a migraine, then you know just how awful they feel. For people who have never had the experience, a migraine...

Your Boob Helps Them Kick Butt

Your Boob Helps Them Kick Butt
It comes as no surprise that research into the benefits of breast feeding finds that the healthiest babies are those who feed on mother’s...

Baby Formula Contaminated with Cancer-causing Fungus

Baby Formula Contaminated with Cancer-causing Fungus
In a repeat of problems with baby formula from 2008, formula from Nanshan Bywise has been found to contain ingredients that can result in...

Neurological Health Directly Related to Gut and Intestinal Health

Neurological Health Directly Related to Gut and Intestinal Health
In a recently published study, researchers have discovered that eating a diet high in probiotics that promotes gut and intestinal health can have a...

Don’t Believe the Bologna… It’s Easy to Shop and Eat Organically

Don't Believe the Bologna... It's Easy to Shop and Eat Organically
It is well known that eating a diet high in organically grown fruits and vegetables can improve your overall health and prevent many illnesses....

Add These 4 Superfoods to Your Grocery List Today

Add These 4 Superfoods to Your Grocery List Today
It can be easy to get stuck in a food rut. When you go shopping, you may find yourself reaching for foods that you...

The Olympics Bring Competition, Sportsmanship and Infectious Diseases?

Competition, Sportsmanship and Infectious Diseases?
Thousands of people from all over the world are descending on the already crowded city of London during the Olympic Games (July 27-Aug. 12)....

We Aren’t Pooping Enough, Here’s Why

We Aren't Pooping Enough and Here's Why
Hear the word fiber and you probably think of bran cereal. And you probably have the vague sense that you should be eating more...

Does Your City have a Park? It Makes You and Your...

The Skinny on the Aloe Vera Cleanse
Researchers have believed for many years that encouraging urban gardening is important to improving the overall health of cities and areas where people live...