The Alternative Daily

The Alternative Daily

Master Cleanse Leads to Disaster for People With Gut Issues

Master Cleanse Leads to Disaster for People With Gut Issues
One of the current fads promoted for weight loss is the Master Cleanse diet. However, this diet may have contributed to rock guitarist Eddie Van Halen’s recent emergency intestinal surgery.

Hospitals Not the Place for Nutritious Food

Hospitals Not the Place for Nutritious Food
If you have spent any time in a hospital lately, you know that the food offered falls far short of recommended levels of nutrition....

Squatting is Better for Overall Bowel Health

Squatting is Better for Overall Bowel Health
For millennia, humans squatted when they needed to defecate. Then the modern toilet was invented and we began sitting instead. However, a study published...

High Levels of Blood Sugar Causing Brain Shrinkage & Memory Loss

High Levels of Blood Sugar Causing Brain Shrinkage
Even at high normal levels, increased blood sugar contributes to problems with memory and thinking ability. These were the findings of a study that...

Prepare for a Healthy Fall Harvest with These 7 Seasonal Foods

Prepare for a Healthy Fall Harvest With These 7 Seasonal Foods
With football underway and fall just around the corner, your thoughts may be shifting to holiday treats and goodies to cook. As you choose...

Amino Acids a Clue in the Autism Puzzle?

Amino Acids a Clue in the Autism Puzzle?
Researchers are excited to announce they may have found a clue in treating a rare form of autism. Autism is a poorly understood developmental...

Stanford False Organic Food Study Shocking Ulterior Motive Revealed

Stanford False Organic Food Study Ulterior Motive Revealed
In the study from Stanford University that stirred up a media fervor regarding the value of organic foods, investigators have discovered that one of the...

The Reason Behind That Stubborn Belly Fat

The Reason Behind That Stubborn Belly Fat in Women
Curious about why women tend to develop more belly fat than men, researchers conducted experiments to answer this question. Surprisingly, it turns out that eating a high...

Vitamin D Proves as Alternative Treatment for Tuberculosis, Study Suggests

Vitamin D Proves as Alternative Treatment for Tuberculosis, Study Suggests
There has been a great deal of information surfacing lately about vitamin D deficiency and how it impacts health. Curious about how tuberculosis has...

There’s a Link Between Sleep Apnea and Diabetes, Sort of

There's a Link Between Sleep Apnea and Diabetes, Sort of
Q. I've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. Is there any connection between the two? A. There's one sure connection between type...