The Alternative Daily
Is This Type of Yogurt Bad For You?
As you've probably noticed in the last couple of years, probiotics are all the rage as one of THE most important factors that helps...
8 Foods That Kickstart Your Metabolism Into Overdrive
While there is yet to be a magic pill that instantly results in a smaller waist-line, you can encourage your body to burn fat...
Emotional Eating Pours On the Cortisol and Belly Fat
Boredom, anger, sadness, joy, anxiety and stress can all lead to emotional, mindless eating. There is not better way to sabotage your fitness goals...
Dragon Fruit: The Superfood Full of Vitamin C, Antioxidants and Omega...
The Dragon Fruit is being hailed as the super fruit of 2013, adding yet another wonderful weapon in our arsenal to battle disease and...
4 Reasons Your Skin is Prematurely Old
Skin is the largest organ in the body. It works hard, 24-7 to keep you healthy, and you need to return that favor by...
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Causing Coral Bleaching
Millions of zooplankton in our oceans call coral home while coral, in turn, calls the zooplankton dinner. Coral is a living sea creature that...
Doctors Admit Overuse of Medical Tests and Prescription Drugs
New evidence suggests that the healthcare industry is finally waking up to the dangers of unnecessary medical procedures and dangerous prescription drugs. Last week,...
Aspartame in Milk? Many Dangerous Toxins Already in Our Food
Just last week the FDA admitted that the International Dairy Foods Association and the National Milk Producers have sought permission to include artificial sweeteners...
How Many Times Are You Pooping Each Day?
Having a healthy digestive system is vital for the overall health of your entire body. When your digestive system is not working properly, it...
Another Reason To Be Grateful: It’s Good For Your Health!
Being grateful is not just a desirable personality trait or a hokey new age hippie idea, nor should it be limited to the day...