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The amount of sex we have varies from person to person. However, recent studies have suggested that there are many benefits to regular sex that go beyond simply feeling good and all sexed up.
Better Swimmers
For men, a study out of Vienna suggests that frequent sexual activity and ejaculation creates healthier and more active sperm. Researchers studied the motility and health of sperm cells in wild toads compared to captive toads. They discovered that wild toads who went into hibernation had less sexual activity and their sperm cells were less mobile. Less mobile sperm results in fewer opportunities for fertilization. However, captive toads kept in artificial conditions did not go into hibernation. Instead, they frequently mated throughout the year. Their sperm were much more active and they inseminated high numbers of healthy eggs.
Translated into human terms, researchers speculate that men who are frequently sexually active clear out old sperm from their systems. Additionally, their sperm is more mobile, resulting in fewer fertility problems.
Improved Heart Health
Frequent sexual activity is also good for heart health. In a study from the New England Research Institute in Massachusetts found that men who had sex at least twice a week reduced their risk for heart attacks.
Other heart health benefits include healthy blood pressure levels and improving cholesterol levels.
Emotional Benefits
There are also many emotional benefits to having regular sex. Oxytocin is a neurochemical that is stimulated by sexual activity. Called the “love” hormone, oxytocin is the neurochemical that increases feelings of love and attachment between couples. Additionally, it contributes to overall pleasurable feelings and improves mood.
When people are getting regular sex, they also experience improved self esteem levels and self confidence. Several research studies have also shown that individuals who are involved in long term relationships have reduced levels of stress, anxiety and depression. They have longer life spans and improved overall health.
Sex is a normal and healthy aspect of adulthood. Sexual problems can be linked to diabetes, obesity, heart problems, reproductive problems and many other serious health issues. If you find that sexual activity painful or difficult, talk to your doctor. It may be a sign of a serious underlying health issue.
Do you think you are having enough sex?
– The Alternative Daily
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