9 Surprising Ways to Put Coke to Work in Your Home: Just More Reasons Not to Drink it

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It seems timely that we begin this article with a couple of facts, things that are proven to be true. First, Coke is the most valuable brand in the history of mankind; “Coca-Cola” follows “hello” as the second most recognized word in the world. Second, Coke has an acidity level that is comparable to that of battery acid.

It is because of the first fact that so many people are drawn to Coke and make it a regular part of their diets; it is because of the second fact that Coke can outwork almost any toxic household cleaner on the market. Seems a little paradoxical doesn’t it?

The Coca-Cola syrup formula trade secret is kept well guarded, known only to a few. What is known is that Coke contains the equivalent of 15 teaspoons of sugar, and that it is easier and cheaper to purchase Coke in many third world countries than it is to get clean drinking water.

What Coke Does To Your Body

All 15 teaspoons of sugar hit your system in the first 10 minutes of consuming a Coke. This alone is over 100 percent of the amount that should be consumed daily. The astounding sweetness would make anyone vomit, but the phosphoric acid keeps this from happening.

In the first 20 minutes of drinking a Coke, blood sugar skyrockets and the liver begins to turn the huge amount of sugar into fat. Shortly after, blood pressure rises and the liver delivers more sugar into the bloodstream. Pleasure centers in the brain are stimulated in the same manner as when heroin is used. Within a hour, the body has a sugar crash.

The carbonation in Coke irritates the stomach lining, and the body draws calcium from the blood to heal the irritation. The blood, low on calcium, pulls it from the bones to compensate. The phosphoric acid also reduces the calcium in bones.

Caffeine in Coke causes insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, birth defects, anxiousness, breast lumps and has even been implicated in some forms of cancer.

A study published in the journal Respirology states that drinking soft drinks is associated with breathing and lung disorders including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Other studies show that people who consume beverages such as Coke daily have just under a 50 percent increase in heart attack and stroke risk, compared to people who do not drink sodas at all.

Over 50 percent of Americans drink an average of 2.5 glasses of soda each day. Based on the information presented above, along with a host of other studies, it appears as though Americans might be better off employing Coke in their home rather than consuming it.

Here are 9 ways to put Coke to work in your home. It appears as though the same ingredients that destroy your stomach lining, promote obesity and decrease your calcium supplies can be great household helpers.

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