Eat These 7 Inflammation Busting Foods to Stop Snoring Now

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Do you snore? Do you sleep with someone who snores? Almost 40% of men and 24% of women are what is called “habitual snorers” meaning they snore almost every time they are asleep.

If you or a loved one snores you have probably tried innumerable home solutions including snore strips, anti snore pillows or even a neti pot to no avail.

Snoring not only disrupts the snorer’s sleep but also the sleep of those around them. It’s no secret that the healthier you are and the closer you are to your ideal weight the less likely you are to snore. However, in addition to consuming healthy foods, there are certain foods that have been shown to be especially effective at combating snoring. Here are the top 7 foods that may just be your natural solution to snoring.

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