11. Blood pressure
Lemons are high in potassium, which is an important mineral that helps to keep blood vessels soft and flexible. This, in turn, helps to reduce high blood pressure. The vitamin B in lemons is also beneficial to heart health.
The difference between real lemons and bottled lemon juice
Real lemons contain about 139 percent vitamin C, while bottled juice contains 100 percent of the daily value. The calcium content in real lemons is seven percent, while in bottled juice it is three percent. In addition, bottled lemon juice may also contain fructose and other dangerous additives.
Lemon buying tips
As lemons ripen, their antioxidant powers increase. Choose lemons when they are ripe. Lemons with thinner skin will have more juice than those with thicker skin. Also, the heavier a lemon is, the more juice it contains. Don’t buy lemons that are wrinkled or dull in color.
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— Susan Patterson