10 Reasons Why Being Healthy & Fit Boost Your Dating Life

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10 Reasons Why Being Healthy & Fit Boost Your Dating Life
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That Krispy Kreme may look innocent, but think again: being unfit and out of shape can have a detrimental effect on your dating life.

10 Reasons Why Being Healthy & Fit Boost Your Dating LifeFrom the dates you go on, to your confidence both in and out of the bedroom, how fit you feel will impact your love life. Fact.

If you still can’t see the link between hitting the gym and hitting on gorgeous men and women; here are my top ten ways that being unfit affects your dating life.

1. Dating is tiring! Even if you don’t lead a ‘Sex and the City’ inspired love life, dating takes time and energy. Rushing out to dinner after work, long nights spent wide awake laughing and kissing, is exhilarating but also exhausting! Make sure you have the fitness level to burn the candle at every end during the honeymoon period.

2. Dating involves activities: Whether you want to swing by a Salsa class, go for a bike ride in the park or take a long stroll across the beach; some seriously romantic dates also require you to be active. Get fit and don’t limit yourself to a night out at the movies.

3. Dating involves dining: Of course the classic date is over dinner: not brilliant if you feel self conscious about ordering that lobster mac and cheese due to your waistline. Don’t restrict where you can go to eat, or feel guilty when you get there; hit the gym pre-dinner and work up an appetite.

4. Dating means approaching: Before you get to go on any of these amazing dates though you need to meet the people to date. Walking up to the cute man or woman at the bar isn’t always the easiest thing in the world though, especially if you feel self conscious. Boosting your BPM (beats per minute) will also mean a boost to your self esteem and give you the confidence to say ‘hi’.

5. Dating means choice: Dating is all about exploring different people, and finding someone who is a great fit for you. You don’t just want a woman who you find attractive: you want a girl who’s fun, smart and totally gets your impersonation of Steve Carroll. Don’t limit the kind of women you think you can approach, by having poor self esteem. Get fit, get confident, and go for the women you really want: not just the ones you think you can get.

6.  Dating means dress code: Just like how you don’t want to restrict the women who you think you can approach, or the dates you can go on, you also want to be able to wear clothes that are both stylish and appropriate. In fact you want to feel sexy: so that means getting to a fitness level where you’re happy to wear a well tailored suit, feel great in a pair of swimming trunks, and amazing in the nude.

7. Dating means first impressions: Just how you wouldn’t rock up to a job interview unprepared, and ungroomed, you want to go out to a date feeling like you’re presenting your best self to the world. So don’t look back to your high school photo and wish you still looked that good- present yourself at your fittest, and happiest, today.

8. Dating thinks sexy: Yep going on a date with someone means that you are both considering a physical relationship with each other. If you go into this sexually charged environment feeling self conscious then you won’t feel sexy. And if you don’t find yourself sexy, how is anyone else going to find you sexy?

9. Dating feels sexy: Or at least it should do. The problem with poor fitness and diet is that it significantly dings your immunity and your libido… so despite the candle lit dinner, red wine, and gorgeous woman; you may just not really feel like it. Which would be a big shame!

10. Dating is sexy: A few great dates should (hopefully) end up with you being able to form an electric sexual connection with someone. Being unfit may mean that your nights of passion don’t last as long as you would like though. Having great sex isn’t just awesome for your health either, the endorphin release also means you’ll feel happier all the way through to the morning after the amazing night before.

So if it came down to a choice between a doughnut and dating, or a mid afternoon sugar fix and sex, I know which one I’d choose!

– Marni Kinrys, The Wing Girl

The ultimate ‘wing girl,’ Marni is a self-taught advice and relationship expert worldwide. She has spent the past six years working side-by-side with the top attraction experts, whom together share their expertise and advice to help people find their ideal partners. She was most recently awarded “World’s Best Female Pick-Up Artist” from the World PUA Summit in Hollywood, CA and awarded Worlds Best Wing Girl 2010 – Global Pick Up Conference.

Visit Marni’s website at http://www.winggirlmethod.com

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