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What You Might Not Know About Fiber Supplements Could Hurt You

Eating a high fiber diet has many advantages, including keeping your gut healthy and happy, boosting heart health, gut health, and improving weight loss efforts. The majority of Americans fail to meet the recommended daily amounts of fiber and turn to supplements to fill in the gap. However, most consumers are unaware that there are some potential health dangers associated with the consumption of these supplements. Let’s take a closer look at these.

The dietary guidelines for Americans recommend adequate daily fiber intake for adult men is 33.6 grams per day and 38 grams for women. Sadly, most people don’t even come close to this goal. The average fiber intake in America is 17 grams, and only 5 percent of people meet the adequate daily intake

Fiber supplements are lacking in essentials

One of the main drawbacks of any supplement is that it lacks vitamins, minerals, and protective antioxidants that you get when you eat high-fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and lentils.

Fiber supplements may interfere with the absorption of certain minerals and drugs

Fiber supplements may reduce the absorption of certain, necessary minerals and interfere with some prescription drugs, including antidepressants, cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid, and heart medications, to name a few. Be sure to speak with your physician if you are considering a fiber supplement and currently take prescription medication.

Fiber supplements may cause constipation and even bowel obstruction

According to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, too much fiber supplement can turn what most people think is a remedy for constipation, into something very painful. If you don’t drink adequate water with a fiber supplement, the extra fiber can get stuck in the intestines causing constipation or even bowel obstruction.

Fiber supplement warning

If you are taking a fiber supplement, be sure that it has a high level of water-soluble fiber, such as psyllium. Be leary of products that contain sugar or artificial ingredients. Always, always, add fiber into your diet slowly to avoid painful gas and bloating. Talk to your physician about how much fiber is best for you and recommendations on how to meet your personal fiber goals that vary with age and gender.

You don’t actually need a fiber supplement

The good news is that you don’t need a fiber supplement at all – you can get all the necessary fiber plus loads of other benefits from eating a diet rich in high-fiber foods. These foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. 

Here are some of the best, high-fiber foods to include in your diet.


The legume family includes some of the most fiber-rich foods on the planet. Included in this food group are beans, lentils, and peas. Beans contain what is known as fermentable fibers. This type of fiber helps to feed the hungry colony of helpful bacteria that reside in the gut. According to research, a healthy gut microbiome is linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Here are some of the best legumes to include in your diet:

High-fiber vegetables

Not only are vegetables packed with health-promoting nutrients, but many are also a great source of dietary fiber, including.

High – fiber fruit

Adding high-fiber fruit to your diet is a delicious way to ensure that you are getting enough fiber daily. Eat fruit for breakfast or as a snack in between meals. Here are some of the best fruits to choose from.

Nuts and seeds

Not only are nuts and seeds a healthy option for fiber, but they also contain healthy fats, protein, and many contain healthy omega 3-fatty acids. Here are some great options for fiber-rich nuts and seeds.

Whole grains

Not only are these whole grains rich in fiber, but they will also help to keep you full long after your meal has ended. Great choices include the following.

Tips to increase your fiber intake

Remember, taking a fiber supplement does not make up for eating a poor diet. Do your best to eat a well-rounded diet with plenty of delicious and fiber-rich foods, and a supplement will not be necessary.

-The Alternative Daily

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