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The 8 Health Properties of Eucalyptus and 15 things to do with the Oil

Eucalyptus is native to Australia, and is the main food source for koala bears. Aboriginal people have been using it for centuries to treat a number of medical conditions, and it has also been a part of other traditional medicine systems in Europe, Greece, India and China.

There are many species of Eucalyptus, ranging from the size of a large shrub to giant trees. The blue gum, or Australian fever tree, is most commonly used in medicine, and can reach up to 230 feet in height with 4-12 inch dark, shiny leaves.

Eucalyptus oil is made from the leaves and tops of the branches. The leaves contain tannins, which are thought to reduce inflammation, plant-based antioxidants, and volatile oils.

Health Properties of Eucalyptus

What to do With Eucalyptus Oil

Note: Never take eucalyptus oil orally.

Note: Because eucalyptus oil can be irritating to the skin if applied at full strength, it is best to dilute it in a carrier oil such as sesame or olive. Try 15 – 30 drops of eucalyptus oil to 1/2-cup of carrier oil.

-The Alternative Daily


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