Tag: disease

Scientists Discover How to Delay Aging by Keeping Cells Healthy

Traditionally we think of aging as a gradual, disorganized series of events. First creaky joints, followed by sagging skin, then perhaps greying hair. Eventually...

Improve Your Sleep and Health by Connecting with Nature

A recent study published in Preventive Medicine (2015) found that men and seniors sleep better when they have access to nature. The study surveyed...

Scientists Determine We Have Auras… of Germs

And now for the latest in gross news: New research suggests that we’re surrounded by a cloud of invisible microbes and fart bacteria. As...

Is Your Pet Making You Sick?

Your cute, cuddly pets are capable of passing more than 70 human diseases to you by way of scratches, bites, and bodily fluid contact...

What Is the Mysterious Deadly Ailment in Nigeria?

A strange, as yet unidentified, illness has made its way into Nigeria and has already claimed the lives of over 18 victims. It began...

Can Coffee Reduce the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis?

Just about everyone loves new health studies about coffee. It seems like there’s a new one practically each month demonstrating why coffee is one...

Peanut Butter: The Next Best Test for Alzheimers

At this very moment, there are over 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer's disease. As we know—some of us all too well—this condition can...

Do You Have Symptoms of Alzheimer’s?

Everyone gets a little forgetful from time to time. Particularly when you are under a lot of stress, and once you enter middle age,...

Flaws in Airport Disease Screening Systems Leave Room for Improvement

Airplanes have long been known as a hotbed for germs - with all those people packed together on a single aircraft, one person coughing...

It Isn’t Just the Elderly Who Are at Risk for Alzheimer’s

Not to be mistaken with middle-age forgetfulness, early-onset Alzheimer's is the occurrence of the disease in individuals under the age of 65. In fact,...