Tag: creativity

Daydreaming May Boost Creativity and Improve Your Mood

For many generations, daydreaming - especially at seemingly inopportune times such as during class or at work - has been looked down upon. It...

The Benefits of Standing During Meetings, and Moving Around as Much...

Sitting still for long periods of time is one of the most detrimental habits of our modern Western culture. In fact, according to the...

You Never Need a Reason to Create

A study sponsored by the National Institute for Mental Health and the National Endowment for the arts found that seniors who engage in creative...

The Best Way to Ruin Your Health: Procrastinating

"I'll do it later" - a common utterance of procrastinators worldwide. When you get in the habit of doing things at the last minute,...

10 Ways to Get Your Mental Health Back on Track

In the midst of leading fast-paced, busy lives, many of us can barely find the time to address our physical health, let alone our...