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Release Tight Shoulders With These 3 Gentle Yoga Poses

Tension in the shoulders and neck is one of the most common physical complaints people have in our society. So many aspects of modern life can cause or trigger this problem: poor posture, stress and anxiety, overworking your upper body at the gym, sitting at the computer all day, slumping over a steering wheel as you head to and from work, and even looking down as you make dinner and clean the dishes.

Because there are so many different habits that contribute to neck and shoulder pain, tension in these areas tends to build up slowly over time. So it’s crucial that we set aside a time to stretch and release these areas before the pain becomes chronic — and much more difficult to manage.

Here are three gentle yoga poses that release the tight muscles around your shoulders and neck and relieve neck and shoulder pain.

Extended Puppy Pose

Sometimes called Melting Heart Pose, this posture combines Downward Facing Dog and Child’s Pose to give your shoulders, chest, and upper back a deep stretch as your heart melts toward your mat.

To do this pose:

Tips: If you find this pose puts too much pressure on your knees, try putting a folded blanket underneath your knees for more comfort. If you’d like a longer, even more relaxing stretch, try making it a restorative pose by placing a pillow or bolster under your torso, and staying in the posture for 5–10 minutes.

Reclining Chest Opener

This is a wonderful, restorative yoga pose you can do before bed or whenever you need to relax and recoup a little. As a bonus, it also opens the chest and shoulders beautifully.  

To do this pose:

Tips: If lying on your back in this way hurts your lower back, try keeping your knees bent and your feet about hip-width apart. Feel free to adjust your arms so that the stretch in your chest and shoulders is gentle, and not overwhelming.


This is a fabulous pose for opening the shoulders and upper back. But be sure to take it slowly as it can really provide a deep stretch!

To do this pose:

Tips: If you don’t feel a deep stretch, try walking your fingers out further so that your arms are extended even more. If you hear any cracks or pops when getting into this pose, back off.

By opening the tight muscles in the chest and shoulders that keep many of our necks in a chronically “forward” position, these poses will not only relieve your pain, they’ll also improve your posture!

To give a sore neck and shoulders even more love, try these three yogic stretches.

—Teresa Manring

Teresa is a freelance writer and yoga teacher currently living in Sri Lanka. She loves to write about policies, ideas, and practices that promote a healthy planet and create healthy people.

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