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9 Ways to Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a difficult holiday for many people. The single people feel left out, the broke wonder what they can offer to their Valentine for free, and couples stress over finding just the right way to say “I love you” to each other. Good news! We know a way to help you ditch the stress and stop feeling sorry for yourself this Valentine’s Day: Practice loving yourself instead! Here are nine ways to do it.

Write yourself a love poem

Have you ever wished someone would write a love poem about you? Guess what? YOU can be that person! Think of everything you want your significant other, real or imagined, to say to you. Include all of the romantic verses you would like them to say and descriptions of all of your wonderful qualities. Don’t forget the comparisons to moons, flowers, and stars, and descriptions of how arduous life would be without you. We all deserve to have a love poem written about us, and there aren’t any rules about who should be its author.

Create an in-home spa day for yourself

Did you know that it’s actually possible to give yourself a massage? Other great in-home spa possibilities include taking a relaxing bath with sea salt and essential oils, and giving yourself an all-natural, skin-nourishing facial.

Practice meditation and yoga

There is no better way to say “I love you” than investing time in listening to yourself, getting to know who you really are, and learning what truly brings you happiness. Yoga and meditation both offer us a way to do these things.

Take yourself on a date

If you’re open to spending a little money this Valentine’s Day, here’s what we recommend: Think of what your perfect date this would be — where you would go, what you would do, what you would eat, etc., and then do it yourself! The beauty of taking yourself on a date is that you get to do EXACTLY what you enjoy.

Re-evaluate your relationships

Toxic relationships can suck out all of our energy and really bring us down. A great gift to yourself on this relationship-focused holiday might be to evaluate which relationships are serving you, and which are not. Then, make a plan to nourish and develop the ones that are healthy, and cut down on time spent on relationships that are unhealthy.

Cook a fabulous meal for yourself

Cooking for one, when that “one” is yourself, is something that many people struggle to find the motivation to do. When we think about making a meal for ourselves, we often think, “Why put so much time and energy into cooking when it’s only for me?” And this is a problem. When we think of ourselves as “only me,” we are diminishing our self-worth. Here’s the thing: You are worth it! This Valentine’s Day, practice loving yourself by cooking a very healthy and delicious meal, and then enjoying every bite.

Treat yourself to dark chocolate and wine for dessert

Dark chocolate and wine are the perfect Valentine’s Day dessert. They’re both delicious, luxurious, and offer health benefits to boot! Just make sure the chocolate contains 70 percent cocoa or higher, and keep it to no more than two glasses of wine.  

Practice using positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to reduce negative self-talk and increase self-confidence. Repeat these three affirmations, taught by self-love guru Louise Hay, to yourself throughout the day.

Make a list of things you love about yourself

If you can only do one of these things on Valentine’s Day, make it this. Write down at least 10 things you love about yourself. They can be personality traits, physical features, things you have accomplished — anything! Continue to refer to this list even after Valentine’s Day. You can read it once a day or whenever you experience moments of criticism and self-doubt. 

Although so much emphasis on loving yourself may seem selfish, the reality is that we have very little energy and love to give to others if we don’t put ourselves first sometimes. Let’s start today. 

Happy Valentine’s Day! We at The Alternative Daily hope today is one of many days that you choose to love yourself.

—The Alternative Daily 



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