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Are You a Buzzkill? Plus What to do About It

A buzzkill is someone that spoils an otherwise enjoyable event, bringing others down with irritating or annoying comments or actions.

All of us have probably encountered these “downers” who often have nothing nice to say, ruining the mood for all around them. Some people may be so ingrained in their negative habits that they don’t even realize that they are a buzzkill? Are you one of them?

There are a few common symptoms that can help clue you in.

Do people avoid you? If you find that other people try to change the conversation when you’re around or have even come right out and asked you to stop with the nasty remarks but your behavior continues, your friends and acquaintances are likely to start avoiding you. You may not notice it at first, but if you find that you’re constantly shifting your group of friends it may mean that people don’t enjoy being around you.

Does everyone else seem extremely positive? If you’ve wondered why everyone around you seems especially positive, it could be that it’s because you’re on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Are your suggestions ignored? If you tend to nix everyone else’s suggestions because you always find something irritating about them, your friends are likely to start ignoring yours. They may even hope that you’ll decide not to join them at all.

Some people actually fear being joyful. There is even a name for the condition: hedonophobia. The word comes from the Greek term “hedone,” which means pleasure or delight, and “phobia” which means fear.

There are numerous causes for this, generally involving the atmosphere in which you grew up, but the most important thing to know is that you can choose to change.

If you don’t want to be a buzzkill, consider these tips for remedying the situation.

While no one expects you to be in a good mood all of the time, being a constant buzzkill has a way of negatively affecting the quality of your life, emotionally and physically. People who have a good social network of friends have been found to live longer. Having friends can reduce stress, ward off depression and even fight illness.

-The Alternative Daily


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