Tanya Mead

Tanya Mead

Avoid These 7 Mistakes On Amazon To Save Tons Of Money

For many years now, I have been shopping on Amazon on a pretty regular basis. It’s a highly convenient service. I love not having...

Think Working From Home Is Easy? Here Are 8 Things I’ve...

I have been working from home as a freelance writer (and sometimes editor) for almost five years now. I have to admit, it’s pretty...

If You’re Drinking THESE In Your Morning Coffee, Beware

I love coffee. A day does not go by that I do not enjoy at least two cups (some days more like three or...

I Am A Classic Vacation Worrier. Here’s How I Learned To...

I am a classic vacation worrier. Anxiety has always been a part of my life, and though it’s mostly in control on most days,...

This Guy Swims To Work (You’ll Never Guess Why)

Benjamin David of Munich, Germany has a pretty ingenious way of getting to work in the morning. Take a look: That’s right… instead of spending...

These 6 Essential Oils Work Like Valium For Your Anxiety

As someone with a lifelong generalized anxiety disorder, I have tried many different methods of dialing down the panic. A few that I’ve found...

Without These 7 Things On Your Resume, You Won’t Get Hired

In this day and age, applying for jobs is somewhat of an art form. Especially if you are applying to positions online, or applying...

Why I’d Rather Camp In My Backyard Than Take A Stressful...

Travel can be fun, exciting and really add “spice to life.” However, depending on where you want to go, how long you want to...

Are You Drinking The 6 Healthiest Alcoholic Beverages For Your Body?

Sometimes, it’s nice to bring in the weekend with a glass or two of wine, a mug of beer or a round of cocktails....

10 Inspiring Benefits Of Self-Employment

I have been working from home as a freelance writer for just under five years now. I love every minute of it, and I...