Have you noticed any changes to your feet lately? Perhaps they are cold, are experiencing pain, or the coloring in your toenails has changed? Because feet are the furthest body parts from our heart and spine, they are often the first parts of the body to be affected by nerve issues, as well as other issues, and are therefore great little indicators of the overall state of our health.
Are your feet showing any of the following signs? They may be trying to tell you something.
1. Coldtoes
2. Dry Skin
3. Bald Toes
4. Clubbed Toes
5. Black Spots Under Toenails
6. Ulcers Don’t Heal
Feet are almost always the first place to be overtly affected by diabetes, and wounds don’t heal as fast when blood circulation is poor. Other signs of diabetes include tingling or numbness in the feet.
7. Swollen Feet
Feet that swell after a long flight, as a result of hot weather, or during pregnancy, are nothing to worry about. But when feet stay swollen, it can be a sign of something more serious, including poor circulation, a problem with the lymphatic system, a blood clot, a kidney disorder or an underactive thyroid.
8. Tiny Red Lines Under Toenails
These tiny red lines may be broken blood vessels or splinter hemorrhages that result from a heart infection. If this condition is left untreated it can result in heart failure.
9. Yellow Toenails
The most common cause of thickened yellow toenails is a fungal infection. However, this symptom can also be a sign of lymphedema, lung problems, psoriasis, or rheumatoid arthritis.
— Tamara Pearson