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5 Easy 2-Ingredient Snacks that Keep You Fueled

Do you ever have one of those days when you just feel sluggish and foggy? Most of the time this occurs when blood sugar drops and we don’t consume enough whole or “real” foods.

To gain energy and keep it all day long, stick to a diet that is loaded with healthy fruits and veggies and try one of these simple, two-ingredient snacks to get you over the hump until dinner time.

Orange Slush

This easy slush is a great way to cool off on a hot day. Make this tasty treat using only 2 organic oranges and an organic frozen banana. Oranges are full of vitamin C and potassium which gives this slush a super healthy boost. Trying using lemons or grapefruit if you don’t have oranges on hand.


Pomegranate Porridge

This tasty snack is quick to whip up on the stove and is full of great antioxidants. For this yummy dish you only need 1/3 a cup of oat bran and 2/3 a cup of cold (no sugar added) organic pomegranate juice. Try using different fresh squeezed juices to mix up the flavor.


Easy Flax Seed Crackers

Flax crackers are made using only 1 organic banana and 1/2 a cup of heart healthy flax seed. Leave half of the seeds whole and grind the other half. This way you get both great fiber and all the nutrients of flax seed. The banana holds everything together for a great tasting cracker that partners well with a touch of grass-fed butter.


Hummus Broccoli

Broccoli is loaded with fiber, calcium, copper, and health promoting vitamins. This savory snack is made using 3 1/2 cups of organic broccoli florets and 1/2 a cup of organic hummus in desired flavor. If you use plain hummus, you can season it yourself. Cook the broccoli by steaming, grilling, or roasting.


Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream

This super easy ice cream is made using only 4 organic bananas and 2 tablespoons of organic peanut butter. This fiber filled treat is super healthy with great protein and low calories.


-The Alternative Daily

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