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The #1 Reason Why You Should Wash Your Feet Before Bed

Admit it, you don’t always bend down in the shower to give your tootsies a good scrub, do you?  While there is significant evidence pointing to the benefits of reducing your all over body showering to two to three times a week, it is still recommended to keep your feet as clean as you possibly can. Here’s why.

Your feet along with other areas of your body including your armpits, sweat more than other parts. This means they harbor bacteria that cause odor. The best time to wash your feet, according to dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger is at night so that you can scrub off bacteria before hopping into bed.

Washing your feet also helps remove dead skin cells, encourages healthy circulation, eases joint and muscle pain and just feels downright great!

There is a right way to keep your feet clean

Here is a breakdown of proper foot-washing technique. Once you get this down, your feet will thank you!

  1. Fill a basin with warm water.
  2. Add some herbal foot soak or organic foot salts to the water.
  3. Place both feet in the basin and soak for five to ten minutes.
  4. Use a loofah sponge to gently clean all parts of your feet including between toes.
  5. Use a soft bristled nail brush to clean your toes.
  6. Pat your feet dry with a clean towel – be sure to get the area between your toes especially dry. This is where fungi and bacteria like to hide out.
  7. After your feet are dry, massage some coconut oil into them and put on a pair of your favorite cozy socks. Coconut oil will not only moisturize your feet also contains antibacterial properties.
  8. Now your feet are ready for bed!

Tip: Have a foot washing party with your spouse. Take turns washing and massaging each other’s feet. It is a great way to end a date night!

Other ways to love your feet

Besides washing your feet, here are some other ways that you can show them love.

-The Alternative Daily

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