Tag: antibiotics

Don’t Fall For These 5 Myths About Viruses and Your Immune...

Your immune system is on the job around the clock to protect you from infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that cause disease and...

Does it Really Matter if I Get Organic Butter or Not?

Butter has been around for about 9000 years. A happy accident that quickly became a staple in most people’s homes. What was once a...

These Surprising “Good” Things are Wrecking Your Skin

Everyone wants beautiful skin. We are bombarded with marketing messages telling us what we need to do to have that youthful glow: scrub, wash,...

Get Harmful Gut Bacteria in Control With This Ancient Beverage

Kefir is an ancient beverage made by fermenting milk with kefir grains, which produces a host of beneficial bacteria. It is thought to have...

Why You Should be Eating Grass-Fed Beef for Your Immune System

The old saying, “You are what you eat,” is true and also accurate is the saying, “You are what you eat has eaten.” Let...

Supercharge Your Immune System With This Special Silver Solution

The human body is an amazing machine, capable of self-regulation and internal healing. Plus, it is loaded with natural ways to prevent sickness and...

Groundbreaking Research Reveals Why You Should Start Saving Your Poop Now

Do you flush your poop without a second thought? Chances are, the answer is yes. I have another option for you. Why not consider...

Are Antibiotics Hiding In Your Food? 5 Dangers You Need To...

There is little doubt that antibiotics have played a very important role in medicine. Their use has helped eradicate diseases like tuberculosis. They have...

Is Your Favorite Food Fast Place Serving Antibiotics? Check This List

In a new report from Consumer Reports, some fast food chains are following up on their pledge to limit or eliminate antibiotics. Many kinds...

Would You Take A Digital Pill That Allows Others To Track...

Cindy doesn’t always take her medications as prescribed. That can be a problem because this twenty-something mother of three has been diagnosed with schizophrenia....