The “Hidden” Cause Behind
America’s Deadliest Diseases!
Hi. Susan Patterson here, Content Director at The Alternative Daily.
Every year, our team of health experts makes an exhaustive search to uncover hard-to-find natural health remedies. The kind of life-changing information unavailable to — and sometimes even deliberately hidden from — those of you who need it most.
Naturally Fight & Reverse Damaging Inflammatory Effects in Your Body!
You see, we’ve invested significant time and resources creating our latest collection of health information.
In fact, Inflammation Erased is a full 192 pages long and loaded with ground-breaking research, tips, and natural solutions for fighting today’s major diseases by getting to the root of the problem.
Once you read it, you’ll learn how inflammation could be the underlying cause of all your chronic health symptoms—despite what you may have heard from your doctor or other health practitioner.
In fact, inside Inflammation Erased, we show you little known secrets about specific major diseases and their solid, research-based ties to inflammation.
Here’s just a sample of what you’ll learn:
The “real” reason heart disease rates in France are only a quarter of those in Britain. This dietary anomaly still stumps most American physicians. And the sooner you know about it, the quicker you can reduce inflammation and improve your heart health.
The most dangerous “food” we eat daily. This substance triggers all the major fat-storing hormones in our body. Studies show it’s more addictive than cocaine, and the major reason behind our out-of-control food cravings and resulting inflammation.
The common denominator for all our stomach problems. In fact, this culprit activates inflammation inside your gut. It’s not only been linked to digestive disorders, but also diseases of the brain, heart, bones, and nervous system.
A “mystery” disease with ties to gluten. In one study, patients on a gluten-free diet showed significant improvements in pain and inflammation...enough to stop taking daily painkillers and return to work. If you think it’s celiac disease…think again!
How this one deadly disease “hi-jacks” your natural inflammatory process. In fact, when your immune cells grow new blood vessels to heal damaged tissue, diseased cells actually steal oxygen and nutrients from the blood supply to replicate themselves!
How psychological stress “fakes out” immune cells to cause inflammation. In fact, one study showed that stressed mice produced four times the amount of activated immune cells that were prepared to fight an infection or trauma—even when there was nothing tangible to fight!
But that’s not all. We’ll show you how to quickly get relief from chronic inflammation starting today.
Because with Inflammation Erased, you get dozens of safe, effective natural cures for every system, every organ in your body. All backed by science and proven to work in the real world…for real people just like you.
We personally researched and verified every single one. That way, we’re confident you can eliminate chronic inflammation and experience the relief you need from debilitating disease.
Of course, no single remedy can work for every health condition or personal circumstance.
That’s why we filled Inflammation Erased: Naturally Fight & Reverse Damaging Inflammatory Effects in Your Body with so many safe and effective natural cures and health recommendations like:
8 specific “superfoods” to add to your daily diet. These are all easy to find at your local grocery store, economical, and in small amounts, can help you prevent or manage type 2 diabetes.
One “sneaky” but toxic ingredient added to every day foods. Manufacturers refer to it by fifty-seven different names, and even add it to products they label as “healthy.” Check out our long list of “watch-out” foods.
Four “healthy” foods that actually trigger inflammation. When combined with stress, they can cause certain digestive disorders. But no need to stop consuming them. We’ll show you a dietary “trick” that makes them 100% healthy!
Six tried-and-true anti-inflammatory herbs and spices to fight fibromyalgia…a disease with strong ties to inflammation. We’ll show you how easy it is to add these foods to any meal and help you stop fibromyalgia at its source.
How to reduce exposure to dozens of inflammation-causing toxins in and around your home. We’ll tell you where to look for them and what you must do to stop them from growing deadly tumors inside your body.
A simple technique to reduce stress and lower blood pressure. It takes only seconds each day, and you can even add it to any of your favorite daily exercise routines to boost your body's ability to fight inflammation.
Now, you can access and use every one of these proven and totally safe solutions—and many, many more—to start getting healthier, even as you age.
Because today, I reserved a copy just for you—absolutely FREE!
Of course, all we ask is that you pay a small charge to cover the cost of shipping this life-changing resource right to your door.
And when it arrives, we hope you’ll use the important health information inside and share it with those you care about the most.
Imagine how much better you or your loved one will feel to finally:
Be rid of the chronic pain in your head, joints, or back…
Fix your “incurable” stomach issues…
Shed those ugly, stubborn pounds…
Fight severe fatigue and get your energy back…
Or, drastically reduce your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and more!
No matter what your symptoms are or what disease you suffer from—whether you’re 48 or 78—you can begin to build a healthier body starting today. All because you learned how to naturally reverse—or even eliminate—the damaging effects of inflammation in your body.
Best part is, we did all the research for you. So, no need to schedule any more time-consuming consults…waste long hours researching the internet…or ask for permission or a prescription from your doctor.
But don’t wait. We’ve only got a limited number of copies to give away. And we reserved one just for you…no strings attached. So grab it now…and start eliminating inflammation today!
To your good health,
Susan Patterson
Content Director, The Alternative Daily
P.S. Studies show inflammation is linked to 7 out of the top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S.
When you get your copy of Inflammation Erased: Naturally Fight & Reverse Damaging Inflammatory Effects in Your Body, you’ll learn natural ways to turn off chronic inflammation and rid yourself of debilitating disease—so you can live longer and healthier.
P.P.S. Remember, as a newer reader of ours, we’ve reserved you a copy absolutely Free! Just pay a small shipping charge and we’ll rush it out to you today. So grab your copy now!
Inflammation Erased, pg 14-15
Inflammation Erased, pg 15
Inflammation Erased, pg 61
Inflammation Erased, pg 72
Inflammation Erased, pg 93
Inflammation Erased, pg 106
Inflammation Erased, pg 163
Inflammation Erased, pg 54
Inflammation Erased, pg 62-63
Inflammation Erased, pg 75-76
Inflammation Erased, pg 94
Inflammation Erased, pg 120-123
Inflammation Erased, pg 166
© The Alternative Daily 2025
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Limited supply of soft-cover book that reveals the
“Hidden” Cause Behind America’s Deadliest Diseases
(and how to naturally fix it)
Claim Your FREE Soft-cover book, Inflammation Erased, and find out how to Naturally Fight & Reverse Damaging Inflammatory Effects in Your Body!
When it comes to your heart health, nothing could be more critical than knowing you can prevent — even reverse — heart disease by controlling inflammation inside your arteries.
Yet, heart disease isn’t the only condition you need to be concerned about.
You see, inflammation has recently been linked to other major diseases. In fact, authors of a 2009 study published in the journal Inflammation Research wrote:
“Chronic inflammation is being shown to be increasingly involved in the onset and development of several pathological disturbances such as arteriosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and even cancer."
I trust by now I have your undivided attention. Because once you better understand what inflammation is … how it’s causing disease inside your body … and the many natural solutions available to stop its damaging effects —
You will choose to completely turn your health around!
In fact, in a fairly short amount of time, you could start to experience better sleep…less stomach issues…more energy and stamina…less muscle and joint pain…a drop in weight…lower stress levels…and much, much more!
Yet, if you still suffer from heart disease or any number of serious health threats—or worry about an impending diagnosis—consider this your fair warning. It’s possible…
Chronic inflammation could be sending you to an early grave!
All told, chronic inflammation is responsible for 7 out of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States! And hundreds of studies and scientific reviews now prove it.
But the health dangers of inflammation don’t stop there. The evidence suggests chronic inflammation may trigger or worsen autoimmune diseases, autism, neuropathy, celiac disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, food allergies, and more!
But it’s not all bad news. Because I want to assure you, other research shows it’s possible to…
Prevent—Even Reverse—Most Major Diseases by “Turning Off” Inflammation!
That’s why it’s more important than ever to know whether you’ve got chronic inflammation raging inside your body. So you can find ways to fight it before it destroys your health.
In fact, if you’re at all concerned you may be at risk for developing any number of serious health conditions—or even if you have already received a confirmed diagnosis from your doctor — you can reduce your risk or rid yourself of disease completely by taking some simple steps to control the damaging effects of chronic inflammation.
And now, I’ve made it easy for you to do just that with a brand new resource I call…
Susan Patterson
The Alternative Daily